¡Colorín Colorado! AMAZING site!!!!
Building the Bridge -- an amazing resource to help build the bridge between school and home!
Online Books:
- Speakboos: "Speakaboos motivates children of all reading levels, helping them become self-confident, independent readers through its library of high interest stories by leveraging purposeful interactive technology and active learning.
- Raz-Kids
- TumbleBooks
- Starfall
Other Resources!
Parent Toolkit: This toolkit will help you navigate your child’s journey from pre-kindergarten through high school. It is designed to help you track and support progress at each stage. / Este sitio de web le ayudará a navegar el viaje de su hijo desde el preescolar hasta la escuela secundaria. Está diseñado para ayudarle a rastrear y apoyar los avances en cada etapa.
Daily Dose of Reading: A site that shares books for each grade level / un sitio con sugerencias de libros para cada edad
Free Teacher Printable Resources for English
Santillana USA: K-12 World Languages Resources for Teaching Spanish Through a Cultural Lense