¡Colorín Colorado! -- AMAZING site for ALL things ELL!!!!

Curriculum -- EL Education-- A national K-5 literacy (reading and writing) curriculum that has built in ELL and UDL supports for varying proficiency levels. I was fortunate to be one of the ELL designers for this curriculum. It is free and available online -- invaluable!!

Building the Bridge -- an amazing resource to help build the bridge between school and home!

The Children's Peace Library and Online Anti-Bias Library

The Children's Peace Education project is a home and classroom curriculum for young children and is also a library of specially selected books to teach peacemaking with young children between one and six years of age.

There are six inter-related strands to the Peace Education Curriculum.

Online Books for Students

  • Speakboos:  "Speakaboos motivates children of all reading levels, helping them become self-confident, independent readers through its library of high interest stories by leveraging purposeful interactive technology and active learning.                                                                                                    
  • Raz-Kids
  • TumbleBooks
  • Starfall

Teacher Resources

Best Practices for Serving English Language Learners and Their Families

AMAZING website for ALL things ELL--¡Colorín Colorado! It is "the premier national website serving educators and families of English Language Learners in grades preK-12." It provides resources for educators and families; connects research, policy, best practices, content, etc.; and creates an ongoing dialogue where we can continue to learn from one another. (I dreamed of creating this! This website is my attempt at that until discovering this gem...! :) AMAZING! :)) 

Reading Works:  An Incredible, Free Resource for Reading with Units, Lessons, Passages and More!

Free Printable Teacher Resources for English Teaching

Santillana USA: Learning K-12 World Languages (specifically Spanish in this link)

Vocabulary Resources

Longman Dictionary = a dictionary with simple definitions/un diccionario con definiciones simples!

Translation Dictionary/Diccionario para Transducir: It has sound also so you can hear how to pronounce each word! Tiene sonido para que se puede oír como pronunciar cada palabra también!

Websites / Organizations to Check Out

Parent Toolkit:  "This toolkit will help [parents] navigate [their] child’s journey from pre-kindergarten through high school. It is designed to help [them] track and support progress at each stage.

Daily Dose of Reading:  A site that shares book suggestions for all ages, among other great literacy resources!

ALAS / Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents

Agile Learning Centers: Self-Directed Education

Achievement Network 

Reading in Motion
